The Constitution and Me program, created and first implemented in 2019 by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Firdaus Dordi, VCLF’s Co-Chair of Education, will be presented again in the Spring of 2024. Once again, the participating high school students will be given a hypothetical case involving issues of free speech, cyberbullying, and safety in the school environment. This year, the fact pattern involves disputes between students over an accusation of cheating on an exam, following by arguably threatening emails and culminating in the suspensions of some of the students. Armed with actual case summaries of Supreme Court cases, and with the guidance of volunteer judges and attorneys, students in the Valley high schools will participate in a spirited debate on the issues over a three-week period. The program will culminate in a mock Supreme Court argument. The participating students will develop their reading, speaking and analytical skills, develop a better understanding of dispute resolution and the legal system, and will have the opportunity to interact with positive role models from the Valley legal community.